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The ‘Hidden’ Benefits of The Celebrant Society

There are many celebrant groups in Australia and beyond, and they all have their different approach to their community.

When Anna and Sarah set up The Celebrant Society, it was evident they were trying to create something different – a community which supported each other endlessly.

So, we thought ‘Let’s ask our members how the group has supported them’.  And boy, oh boy, did we get some wonderful answers! Grab a cuppa, settle in… it’s a lovely read.

Jo Booth Celebrant

I thank TCS every day for the little ‘clutch’ of Cele-babes that they brought into my life. A couple of us met at a Sydney TCS event and then decided we’d watch/listen to the 2020 TCS virtual conference at my place. From that conference on this group of celebrant-angels have, time after time, cheered me, lifted me up, and carried me when I’ve been too stuffed to go on. I know we’ve done that for each other. We’ve shared jobs, we’ve shared inspiration and we’ve shared shoulders when someone needed a whinge (or a reality check). I don’t even know if I’d still be a celebrant if not for TCS and this group of legends that fill my celebrant cup daily.

Jo – Jo Booth Celebrant

We Chose April Rose
I did an SOS post on here about a couple who gave me zero, zilch, nothing on their questionnaire- in fact only one of the two people even returned one.
They specifically wanted “traditional” (no idea why they booked me for that) and a member, Ben Jones, swooped in to my rescue and helped me rewrite the whole ceremony in less than a day, kept me accountable when I was very much procrastinating even getting started and celebrated the win with me when the couple LOVED it!
Honestly couldn’t have gotten through it without him!!
Down South Ceremony
I switched to TCS from a different celebrant association.
As a newbie celebrant (only registered a few months at the time) the support and community was evident.
In the other group I was shot down and abused for asking a question, here I not only get answers, but sharing of ideas, open discussion (and humour) about the meaning, interpretation and application.
Being a part of this group has removed the isolation factor of being a rural and remote celebrant (only one for 75km) and made me feel part of something bigger. I have grown a lot in my role and been encouraged to allow myself to “be different”. I am encouraged to celebrate not just the big things, but every thing – including the joys of each ceremony or each weekend!
I have made a number of friends through this group and definitely tell others to come and join!
Marry Me Amanda
I can’t even begin to tell you how important TCS has been to my growth as a Celebrant in the 2 years I have been a member. I joined pre-registration and the first real-life-Cele I spoke to was [Qld Local Leader] Roxy Hotten.  I attended a course she ran on how to run a ceremony – total game changer for a new Cele. I have messaged her several times and she has always been a support.
Then there was the writing course with Benedict Ager that really gave me the confidence to make my scripts my own.
And don’t get me started on The Content Collusion Club and MC course..
TCS members truly epitomise ‘community over competition’ and I can’t imagine doing this without any of [the members]
Amanda – Marry Me Amanda
Save the Date Celebrations
I have learnt so much from this group but I have two standout moments:
1. The week after my Mum died unexpectedly, when I posted in the group asking for recommendations for readings for my Mum’s funeral and was wrapped in a big TCS group hug of love and support. A member, Fiona Garrivan, and other funeral celebrants not only offered reading suggestions, but lots of guidance and support for the funeral itself. The celebrants who had lost loved ones or spoken at funerals who encouraged me and offered their tips and tricks that got them through tough eulogies or speeches. Not to mention the countless offers from other TCS celebrants to contact couples, take upcoming weddings off my plate, sign NOIMs or write scripts.
I couldn’t have got through those first few weeks without knowing I had such an amazing support network ready to catch me.
2. The time [NSW Local Leader] Alison Pickle talked me off a ledge when I realised the night before a wedding that the groom only had a photo of his birth certificate… and his original birth certificate was in DARWIN.
I had worked myself into a proper panic and completely forgot that couples could email/message their documents before she reminded me. Crisis averted! 
Marry Me Abbey
When my waters unexpectedly broke at 2:30am the morning of my last wedding before I started maternity leave… with a “OMG HELLLLLLP!! Message to the amazing Dee Wild [Victoria Local Leader] she was able to save the day and marry my beautiful couple.
Dee not only helped navigate the crazy day, but also continued to offer so much support in the days, weeks and months that followed Ruby’s rather dramatic entrance into the world. I will forever be so grateful for what this group has done for me both personally and professionally
Abbey – Marry Me Abbey
Married by Pan

I was still doing my Cert IV but had already joined TCS. I posted asking for recommendations on where I could hire a PA to do my mock ceremonies and Liz Shaw offered to lend me hers. She didn’t know me, but she even dropped it off to my house and then invited me to tag along and roadie for her. Such a beautiful and generous example of Community Over Competition!

Pan – Married by Pan

Want to read more?

Not a week goes by without one of our members helping out another member.  Whether it’s educational, emotional, or some other kind of support, our members give… big time!  And our closed Facebook group is a constantly busy with members asking and giving support.

If you want to be a part of something truly special, come join us today.  You won’t regret it, we betcha! 

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The ‘Hidden’ Benefits of The Celebrant Society