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Tag: Celebrant

Jul 18
When celebrants gather…. TCS Celebrant Melbourne Lunch 2024 edition!

When celebrants gather... especially when we have time to catch up properly over lunch and drinks, it's never a quiet affair. Reconnecting with old friends, meeting new friends that you've only met on Instagram or a TCS Newbie Zoom and meeting new friends for the very first time.

Apr 10
The MANY roles of a Celebrant

Wikipedia states that : “celebrants are people who conduct formal ceremonies in the community, particularly weddings – which represent the main ceremony of legal import conducted by celebrants –, and for this reason are often referred to as marriage celebrants” All of which is true, but it does rather simplify the role and the experience of BEING […]

Mar 08
Imposter Syndrome

What is Imposter Syndrome If there’s one thing that feels a bit yuck about being a celebrant (and trust me, there’s not a lot that I don’t like) it’s an insidious beast called Imposter Syndrome, and it’s rife within the celebrant industry. Psychology Today describes Imposter Syndrome as ‘People who struggle with imposter syndrome believe […]